I really am HORRIBLE about updating my blog! Honestly I have been dreading it since I am so far behind so I kept putting it off! Lots has happened in our house the past few months. Here's an update of what we've been up to up until the end of May!
One of my best friends Megan Rogers got married in May. Megan and I are only two days apart and grew up across the street. It was so much fun to be apart of her special day. She looked beautiful and the day was perfect! I am so happy these two finally tied the knot!

Addison & Tessa had so much fun dancing at the reception

The happy couple leaving
Addison's first {and hopefully last} surgery
At the beginning of May Addison had surgery on a bump that was behind her ear. We first noticed it when she was about 6 months. As she got older it was getting bigger. We went to the Doctor a few times and even had a couple opinions and they both said it was a lymph node. Finally the last time we went in our doctor recommended we get it taken out so we didn't have to worry about it anymore. Brando was already in Texas so my dad offered to come with me. I wasn't nervous until we walked into the office. Addison was fine until they put the little hospital bracelet around her ankle then she lost it. I stayed strong but once I changed her into the hospital gown I was fighting back the tears. They ended up giving her something to help calm her down and within ten minutes she was SO much better! We were able to talk to both the doctor and anesthesiologist and they reassured me that everything would go great and that I didn't need to worry. The anesthesiologist then took Addison back to surgery and we had to go back to the waiting room. I was so nervous. I think that was the longest hour of my life. FINALLY the doctor came out and told us everything went perfect and that it was actually a cyst and not a lymph node. As we turned down the hall to get to her recovery room I could hear Addison hysterically crying. It was so sad to see her like that. She was so out of it and had a bunch of IV's in her arm. As soon as they handed her to me she started calming down and finally even fell asleep. We had to sit in recovery for about an hour to make sure she was doing ok then they released us. She has never held on to me so tight. I think she was worried we were going to leave her there. When my dad walked outside to get the car she burst out crying and saying "Bob bye bye, Bob bye bye" {she calls my dad "Bob" not grandpa}. She thought he was leaving her! She was very happy to get in the car and go home! She had a great recovery and was running around the next day! She is such a trooper!
Waiting to go into surgery

Sleeping in the recovery room
{Zoo with friends}

{Weekend with Dad... camping in the living room}
In April I went to Florida and left Addison for the first time! Brando was really excited to have a daddy daughter weekend. One of the things they did was set up a tent in the living room. Addison LOVED it! They attempted to sleep in there but she didn't last and ended up in her crib. She was so sad when I finally made Brando take down her "nigh".
{Easter in St. George}
We went down to St. George to spend Easter weekend with Brando's family. Holidays are so much fun especially now that Addison is getting older. Brando's parents set up a big easter egg hunt in the house and Addison LOVED finding all the eggs!
Finding her basket from the "Easter Bunny"
She was so excited about all her new toys
Looking for eggs
{Random pictures}

1st pair of sunglasses

Enjoying a cherry limeade from Sonic
{1st time on a 4 wheeler}

This helmet was too big and she hated it at first. Brando drove around the driveway and grass and she LOVED it! She kept saying "more" and wasn't very happy when we took her off! She has no fear and I know will love it when I finally let her go on a real ride {that won't be for awhile}!

{Valentines Day}